A day in the life of our girls.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Celebrating Latvia's Independance

November 18th marked Latvian's Independance Day. Spidzbuks has been attending Latvian school and performed a short song along with her classmates. A born performer she is not - Mama also had to participate by holding the sobbing 3 year old down. Thankfully, it was a very short song and Spidzbuks did not cry louder than the other children could sing. Below are pictures from two events that we attended.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Thanks G.G.

Spidzbuks and Pelite were so lucky to have beautiful dresses made by Great Grandma Parsons. Adding these pictures so that everyone can see what beautiful work she did.

How cute am I??

Enough said.

Birthday Pool??

Spidzbuks recently helped her best buddy celebrate her 3rd birthday. The Barbie birthday pool complete with blue jello water was a definite hit with the party goers.

Spidzbuks: What you got there Krusa?

Krusa: You have to get your hands in here like this.

Spidzbuks: Can you eat it?

Busted by Vecdzanits (Krusa's grandfather)

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Halloween was fun this year as Spidzbuks was excited about the thought of getting lots of candy. The festivities started a few days earlier when the gals all went to a neighbourhood Halloween party. Costumes were mandatory so even Mama got decked out.

Monkeying around...

Pelite after a sugar infused milk feeding from Mama.

Spidzbuks and her best gal pal hitting the streets for some loot.